Staff Directory
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Staff Directory Search Tool
Office Administration
Staff Name |
Title |
Phone |
Bakke, Jason | Principal | 232-2310 | |
Madison, Becky |
Dean |
232-2331 | |
Maeda, Bruce | Dean | 232-2333 | |
Soule, Aaron |
Middle School Athletic Director | 232-2321 | |
Good, Christine |
Student Resource Officer |
232-2332 |
Teachers and Subjects
Teacher Name |
Subject |
Voicemail |
Anderson, Loralee | Media Specialist | 2350 | |
Bardon, Daisy |
2398 (Foods) / 2354 (Sewing) |
Baumert, Jim | PE |
2325 |
Bennett, Samantha |
Literacy |
2362 |
Bolson, Chris | Band |
2359 |
Bolson, Jennifer |
Science |
2376 |
Borsenberger, Jess | Science |
2368 |
Bray, Jodie |
2343 |
Bunting, Chris | Math |
2394 |
Burke, Jen |
Math |
2348 |
Burke, Mike | Science |
2322 |
Cashin, Breanna |
Spanish |
2345 |
Craven, Angie |
Literacy |
2395 |
Deichelbohrer, Deb |
English |
2365 |
Denk, Kayla | Spec Ed |
2323 |
DuPont, Ellie |
Social Studies |
2392 |
Erickson, Kelly | Comm/Language Arts |
2339 |
Ernste, Jim | Math |
2338 |
Garvey, John |
Social Studies |
2371 |
Golberg, Amy | English |
2349 |
Groff, Jake | Spec Ed |
2369 |
Haire, Katie |
2383 |
Occupational Therapist |
2344 |
Hawanchak, Kathy | Science |
2387 |
Hillier, Kelly | English |
2382 |
Hoff, Darcy | Comm/Language Arts |
2389 |
Hohulin, Emma |
Choir |
2360 |
Houser, Thomas | Music Exploration | | 2329 |
Johnson, Jessica | Math |
2381 |
Johnson, Todd | Social Studies |
2379 |
Kopel, Kiersten |
Student Support Specialist |
2355 |
Malone, Chelsea | Geography |
2346 |
McCallow, Mindy | Health 6 | | 2335 |
McNicoll, Erin |
Media Arts |
2328 |
Meschke, Andy | PE |
2325 |
Moya, Megan | Math |
2373 |
Nolan, Mike | PE |
2325 |
Olson, Ally |
PE |
2325 |
Pasiuk, Laura | Social Studies |
2336 |
Popa, Petronela | DCD |
2324 |
Portner, Stephanie | DCD |
2314 |
Rudebusch, Kaleb | EL | | 2315 |
Scheidel, Eric | Science |
2384 |
Scheidel, Liz | Science |
2340 |
Sheehan, Renee |
Psychologist |
2391 |
Soller, Brandon | Explorer Social Studies |
2363 |
Sontag, Kelli | Spec Ed |
2341 |
Stanton, Maggie |
English |
2370 |
Strader, Ann | Health 7 | 2374 | |
Swanson, Dave | Spec Ed |
2386 |
Trammell, Amanda |
Math |
2366 |
Trudell, Abby | Art |
2313 |
VanZuilen, Luke | PE | | 2325 |
Support Staff
Name |
Title |
Phone |
Wibbens, Kim | Office Manager | 2301 | |
Head Custodian |
2397 |
Cullaton, Ashley | Locker Rm/Tutor | 2326 | |
Donner, Becky | Athletic Director Assistant | 2320 | |
Occupational Therapist |
2344 |
Hoeft, Betsey | Tech Support |
2393 |
Lopez-Sanders, Lori |
IMC Clerk |
2351 |
Fischer, Alissa |
Building Nurse |
2319 |
McGinley, Deborah |
Dean's Secretary | 2330 | |
Parker, Ellen |
Licensed School Nurse |
2319 |
Soberg, Diane | Food Service | 2304 | |
Swayne, Phillip | Student Success Liaison | | 2316 |
Thomford, Marissa | Occupational Therapist | | 2344 |
Uphoff, Ann | Attendance/SpEd Clerk | 2334 | |
Ivan Lopez |
Tech Support |
Para-Professional Staff
Name |
Benhart, Patti |
Darflinger, Jenny |
Ehlen, Paula | |
Mauer, Martha | |
Morrison, Jana | |
Reuvers, Amy |
Simmer-Tran, Melissa | |
Sour, Allison | |
Triplett, Deb |
Witter, Jennifer |
Wollak, Sarah |